Monday, February 2, 2009

Endometriosis - Everything You Want to Know About Endometriosis

Endometriosis is the Chronic condition that afflicts over 5 millions women between 20- 40 years old age group in US alone and increases rapidly to the world population, specially in Asia caused by environment toxins, unhealthy diet, recently economical prosperity, etc. During menstruation, the menstrual lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues growing somewhere else in the body causing endometriosis. Endometriosis also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissues , breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look at the bright side.

Women Health - Endometriosis Containing 7 series of articles covers over 219 endometriosis problems written by kyle J. Norton and have public over 10,000 websites in the internet with over thousand of readers everyday.

What endometriosis afflicts

a) About 20% of reproductive age women with endometriosis present but without symptoms.
b) About 55% of women who have developed the new onset of severe menstrual cramps
c) About 25% of women with sub-fertility (less fertile than a normal couple)
Since they grow in somewhere other than in the uterus, when they break there is no way for the period blood to exit causing blood attaching to the organs or lining of the abdomen resulting in scars or adheresion as well as weakening the normal function of organs.
Most of the time, the endometriosis tissues do not travel far. It is commonly found within the pelvic region, on the lining of peritoneum, in the ovaries, and on the surface of the uterus's outside wall, but they can be anywhere in the body such as well as fallopian tubes, the cervix, the vagina, and even the vulva.

Stage of endometriosis

Endometriosis can vary in appearance. It may be clear or white, reddish, brown or blue black, and cysts. They can be classified according to stage of severity:
a) Minimal stage:
Top surface, few in number. Commonly they are found in the inside wall of uterus, ligaments and ovary.
b) Mild stage:
Deeper implants, greater numbers are presented. Commonly found in the same area as minimal stage.
c) Moderate stage:
Many implants, endometriotic cysts present, affecting ovary function, causing scar tissues and adheresion is also present.
d) Severe stage:
Intensive perionreal implants, large endometromas present and dense adheresion.
Each women experiences differently to endometriosis. Some women may have extensive endometrial tissues in their body but feel little or no pain at all, while other women may only be in the early stage of endometriosis but have excessive pain.

Women Health - Endometriosis - Everything You Want To Know About Endometriosis covers
I. Definition (1)
What is Endometriosis ?

II. Symptoms(3)
1. Symptoms of Endometrosis
2. Hormonal Symptoms Of Endometriosis
3. Cardiovascular Symptoms of Endometriosis

III. Effects of Endometriosis (13)
4. How Endometriosis Affects Women's Life
3. How Endometriosis Effects On Abdominal and Pelvic Pain
4. How Endometriosis Effects on the Reproductive System
5 Effects of Endometriosis On Irregular menstruation
6. Effects of Endometriosis On The Digestive System
7. Effects of Endometriosis On Urinary Diseases
8. Effects of Endometriosis on Women Emotional State
9. Endometriosis and The Causes of Infertility
10. Ednometriosis and Foods Craving
11. Ednometriosis and Depression
12. Ednometriosis and Anxiety
13. Ednometriosis and Hyperhydration

IV. Causes(9)
1. What Causes Endometriosis ??
2. What Exhibits Inflammation to Cause Endometriosis ?
3. What Exhibits Coelomic Metaplasia to Cause Endometriosis?
4. What Exhibits Congenital or Embryonic Rest to Cause Endometriosis?
5. Xenoestrogen and Endometriosis
6. How Environmental Toxins Cause Endometriosis
7. What Exhibits Lymphatic Transplantation to Cause Endometriosis?
8. What Exhibits Hormonal Imbalance to Cause Endometriosis?
9. What Exhibits Iatrogenic Origin to Cause Endometriosis?

Click Here For How to Treat Endometriosis With A Self Help Program

V. Types of diagnosis(12)
1. Types of Diagnosis
2. Diagnostic Sonography
3. What is Diagnosis Culdocentesis in Endometriosis?
4. What is Diagnostic Cystoscopy in Endometriosis ?
5. What is Diagnostic Hysteroscopy in Endometriosis ?
6. What is Computed axial tomograghy (CT scanning or CAT) in Ednometriosis?
7. What is Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in Ednometriosis ?
8. What is Electron beam tomography (EBT) in Endometriosis ?
9. What Is Endometrial Biopsy ??
10. What is Endometrial Hyperplasia ??
11. What is Diagnostic Laparoscopy
12. What is Dialation and Curettage ( D&C) ??

Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look at the bright side.

VI. Treatments
A. Convention treatment(21)
a) The Pills, Risks and Side Effects
1. How Conventional Medications Use in Treating Endometriosis
2. What is the Pill ??
3.Symptoms and Risk of The Pill
4. The Good, Bad and Ugly of the Pill
5. What is Progesterone Agonist ??
6. What is Oral Contraceptive Pills ??
7. What is GnRH Agonists??
8. Oral Contracptive Combination Pills and Circulation System
9. Oral Contraceptive Pills and Vitamins
10. Oral Contraceptive Combination Pills and Minerals
11. The Good, Bad, Side Effects and Risks of Progestins
12. The Good and Risks of Gonadotrophin-releasing Hormone (GnRH)
13. What is Prostaglandins Inhibitors ?
14. The Good and Bad of Prostaglandin Inhibitors
15. Types of Conventional Treatment for Infertility ?
16. Types of Infertility
17. Progestogens and Vitamins
18. Progestogens and Minerals
19. GrNH and Vitamins
20. GrNH and Minerals
21 Prostaglandin Inhibitors and Minerals

b) Pre Operative Evaluation (13)
1. Questions Before Hysterectomy
2. Find Your Doctor Before Hysterectomy
3. What is Pre Operative Evaluations
4. Blood and Coagulation Studies
5. Electrocardiogram and Chest X Ray Before Hysterectomy
Urinary studies and Endometrial Biopsy
7. Types of Anesthesia ?
8. Anesthesiology Consultation
9. Preperation for Hysterectomy
10. Hospital Admission For Endometrial Hysterectomy
11. Blood Transfusion During Hysterectomy
12. In the Operation Room Before Surgery
13. Understand Potential Risks and Complications of Endometrial Hysterectomy

c) Types Of Hysterectomy (10)
1. What is Hysterectomy ??
2. Types of Hysterectomy
3. What is Endometrial Ablation ??
4. What is Endometrial Thermal Balloon Ablation ??
5. What is Unilateral Oophorectomy ??
6. What is Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (LH) ??
7. What Is Abdomial Hysterectomy ??
9. Vaginal Hysterectomy ??
10. Cesarean Hysterectomy ??

d) Effects on Fertility (6)
1. Endometriosis and The Causes of Infertility
2. Sexual Activity After Endometrial Hysterectomy
3. Options to Have Children After endometrial Hysterectomy
4. Gestational Carrier After Endometrisl Hysterectomy
5. Eggs and Embryo Freezing
6. Surrogacy

Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look at the bright side.

e) Effects after Hysterectomy (8)
Sexual Difficulty After Endometrial Hysterectomy
2. What is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?
3. Understand State of Menopause after endometrial Hysterectomy
4. Symptoms of Menopause After Endometrial Hysterectomy
5. Is Estrogen Replacement Necessary After Endometrial hysterectomy?
6. What is Estrogen Therapy (ERT)?
7. Other Choices Beside Estrogen Replacement Therapy
8. Understand Hormone Replacement Therapy and Cancer

B. Natural Remedies and Treatments
a) Types of Natural Treatments
1. Endometriosis And Vitamins
2. Endometriosis and Minerals
3. What to Avoid ??
4. Exercises
5. Diets
6. Herbs
7. Chinese Herbs
8. Ayurveda
9. Massage
10. Acupuncture
11. Acupressure
12. Hydrotherapy
13. Homeopathy
14. Biochemical Cell Salt
15. Naturopathy
16. Ednometriosis and Foods

b). Nutritional Supplements
i) Endometriosis and Vitamins (15)
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin B1
3. Vitamin B2
4. Vitamin B3
5. Vitamin B5
6. Vitamin B6
7. Vitamin B12
8. Biotin
9. Folic Acids
10. Choline
11. Vitamin C
12. Vitamin E
13. Vitamin K
14. Bioflavonoids
15. Essential Fatty Acids

ii) Minerals (6)
1. Zinc
2. Iron
3. Selenium
4. Magnesium
5. Calcium
6. Potassium

iii) Diets ( 14 )
1. Soy products
2. Probiotics
3. Dark Green Leaves
4. Spinach
5. Watercress
6. Avocado
7. Garlic
Black Pepper
9. Green Pepper
Olive Oil
11. Brocoli
14. Brewer's Yeast

Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look at the bright side.

iv) Endometriosis and Herbs (32)

1. Dong Quai
2. Blue Cohosh
3. Raspberry Leaf
4. Helonias
5. Cramp Bark
6. Black Haw
7. Wild Yam
8. Peony
9. Licorice
Zingiber Officinale
11. Cinnamon
12. Valeriana Officinalis (Valerian)
13. Piscidia Erythrina
14. Corydalis Ambigua
15. Verbena Officinalis (Verbena)
16. Matricaria Recutita (Chamomile)
17. Emmenagogues
18. Chastetree Berry
19. Bupleurum
20. Lactuca Virosa
21. Anemone Pulsatilla
22. Curcuma Longa (Turmeric)
23. Rehmannia
24. Szechuan Lovage Root (Ligusticum Wallichii)
25. Fennel Seed
26. Nut-Grass Rhizome
27. Berberis Vugaris
28. Taraxacum Officinale ( Dandelion)
29. Silybum Marianum ( Milk Thistle)
30. Cassia Senna
31. Rhamnus Purshiana ( Bearberry)
32. Aloe Barbadensis

v) Endometriosis and Chemical Cells Salts
1. Calcarea Fluorica ( Calcium Fluoride, CaF2)
2.Calcarea Phosphorica ( calcium phosphate, Ca3(Po4))
3. Calcarea Sulphurica ( Calcium Sulphate, CaSO4 12H20
4. Chloride Of Potassium ( Potassium Chloride,KC1)
5. Kali Phosphoricum (Potassium Phosphate, K2HPO4)
6. Kali Sulfuricum ( Potassium Sulfate, K2HO4)
7. Magnesia Phosphorica ( Magnesium Phosphate, MgHPO47H2O)
8. Natrium Sulphuricum ( Sodium Sulfate, Na2SO4)
Natrium Muriaticum ( Sodium Chloride, NaC1)
Natrium Phophoricum ( Sodium Phosphate, Na2HPO412H2O)
Ednometriosis and Celisia ( Silcon Dioxide, SiO2 )
Ferrum Phosphoricum ( Iron Sulphate, Fe(PO4)2)

vi) Endometriosis and Flower Essential (1)
Hibiscus (double hybrid)

vii) Endometriosis and Homeopathy (6)
2. Sepia
3. Lachesis
Lilium Tigrum
5. Colonthis
6. Belladona

viii) Endometriosis and Hydrotherapy ( 7 )
1. Water Hosing
Under Water Massage
3. -Under Water Exercise
Ice and Water
Cold Compresses
Hot Compresses
Sitz Baths

ix) Endometriosis and Essential Oil (10)
Chamomile Roman
Clary Sage
6. Geranium
9. Nutmeg
10. Rose Otto

x) Endometriosis and Flower Remedies (14)
2. Aspen
3. Beech
5. Borage
6. Calendula
7. Garden ( Common Sorrel) Sorrel
8. Carnation
9. Clover
10. Coriander
11. Cornflower
12. Dahlia
13. Day Lily
14. Delicious Monster

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Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look at the bright side.


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